95138 - San Jose - Santa Clara County Zip Code

The 95138 zip code makes up portions of southern San Jose. This location is perfect for peninsula commute. Interstate 101 is adjacent to 95138, making it easily accessible to the rest of the bay area’s major freeways. Different neighborhoods in 95138 include Evergreen Valley, Villages, Meadowlands, and many more.

Most of the homes in the 95138 zip code are single-family homes. To find out more about 95138 real estate and San Jose homes for sale reach out to Property Nerds Eric & Janelle Boyenga of the Boyenga Team for a no obligation consultation.

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Eric & Janelle Boyenga

+1(408) 373-1660

Agent | DRE01254724 / 01254725

Agent DRE01254724 / 01254725


