Fairpark | Eichler Neighborhood Palo Alto

  • In the Palo Alto neighborhood of Fairpark, Joseph Ecihler developed two subdivisions, one of them being the Fairpark tract. The Fairpark project was finished in 1954 with a total of 40 homes being built along Marshall Drive, Moreno Avenue, and Louis Road. Unfortunately for the Fairpark homes, Eichler Homes failed to write specific CC&Rs to guide future renovations and remodeling. Many of the homes have seen renovations and updating with the times. There are a few original Eichlers scattered in with the remodels, but the neighborhood is no longer pure Eichler. As an older neighborhood, Fairpark has watched Palo Alto and the greater Silicon Valley transform into the bay area we know today. Now, the Palo Alto area is one of the most sought-after places to live in the state. As a worldwide tech hub, Palo Alto is home to companies like HP, Tesla, Skype, and VMware with tech giants Apple, Google, and Facebook all in neighboring cities. The Palo Alto School District is currently ranked #1 in the state of California and there are a plethora of top-ranked private schools in and around the city. Downtown Palo Alto is a charming combination of small-town accessibility and urban ambience. Outdoor cafes, tiny coffee shops, bookstores, mom-and-pop specialty shops, national chains, art galleries, two movie theaters and numerous restaurants attract shoppers, eaters and entertainment-seekers of all ages.



Eric & Janelle Boyenga

+1(408) 373-1660

Agent | DRE01254724 / 01254725

Agent DRE01254724 / 01254725


