Midcourt | Eichler Neighborhood Palo Alto

  • Unknown to many and loved by its residents in the tiny Eichler community of Midcourt. The quiet cul-de-sac of Toyon Place is home to just nine Eichler homes. Its residents claim that their neighborhood suffers from “Unknown Syndrome” but really love the privacy and peacefulness that comes with living on their street. These Eichlers were a later build for Eichler constructed in 1972 just two years prior to his passing. Eichlers more recent builds featured unusual design features. At the time, architect Claude Oakland was designing the homes for Eichler and these homes featured some forms of insulation, sheetrock finishes inside as opposed to mahogany, hipped roofs with exposed and protruding beams and covered galleries in place of open-air atriums. One of the homes was completed with a total square footage of 2,400 which was very unusual for Eichler homes. Today Midcourt is still a beloved Eichler neighborhood with residents who continue to uphold Eichlers ideals of community living. As an older neighborhood, Midcourt has watched Palo Alto and the greater Silicon Valley transform into the bay area we know today. Now, the Palo Alto area is one of the most sought-after places to live in the state. As a worldwide tech hub, Palo Alto is home to companies like HP, Tesla, Skype, and VMware with tech giants Apple, Google, and Facebook all in neighboring cities. The Palo Alto School District is currently ranked #1 in the state of California and there are a plethora of top-ranked private schools in and around the city. Downtown Palo Alto is a charming combination of small-town accessibility and urban ambiance. Outdoor cafes, tiny coffee shops, bookstores, mom-and-pop specialty shops, national chains, art galleries, two movie theaters and numerous restaurants attract shoppers, eaters and entertainment-seekers of all ages.